Featured Articles

China’s New Carbon Emissions Trading System

Aug 18th, 2013 | By
China’s New Carbon Emissions Trading System

Carbon emissions trading will start in China at pilot sites in July 2013 for major emitters of greenhouse gases (GHGs), and organizations in other industries should prepare for a national emissions trading system that could start as early as 2015. As part of China’s efforts to meet their global commitment to reduce carbon intensity (per-unit
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Smoking Cessation for Asbestos Workers Dramatically Reduces Lung Cancer Risk

Jul 28th, 2013 | By
Smoking Cessation for Asbestos Workers Dramatically Reduces Lung Cancer Risk

This article provides information on the interaction of asbestos exposure and smoking and the dramatic health benefits that can be achieved through smoking cessation. It would make an excellent training handout or communication piece for employers who have asbestos in their work place.

Dodd-Frank Conflict Minerals by the Numbers

Jul 27th, 2013 | By
Dodd-Frank Conflict Minerals by the Numbers

Numbers influence how companies are managed, and how we make investment decisions. Numbers are used to evaluate companies’ non-financial performance as well: air emissions; waste disposed of; materials recycled; energy consumption. What numbers are associated with DFCM? Do they [only] mark the path to this point, or do they offer insights into what lies ahead…

Environment, Agriculture, and Infectious Diseases

Jul 2nd, 2013 | By
Environment, Agriculture, and Infectious Diseases

The complex interplay between the environment, agriculture, and infectious diseases is explored in a new technical report, Research Priorities for the Environment, Agriculture and Infectious Diseases of Poverty, released in June 2013 by the United Nations World Health Organization. Because the interaction between environment, agriculture, and infectious diseases is poorly understood, the report advocates a new approach to fighting infectious diseases based on…

Essential Audit Disclaimers

Jun 16th, 2013 | By
Essential Audit Disclaimers

Placing the word “disclaimer” in an audit report sounds like an auditor might not be completely confident that the findings in the report are accurate or reliable. The auditee, upon seeing this word, may believe that they didn’t get their money’s worth if the auditor can’t stand behind his or her work. Nevertheless there are some limitations and conditions that auditors should be clear about when proposing to conduct an audit…

EHS Consulting: 7 Things You Should Know

Jun 15th, 2013 | By
EHS Consulting: 7 Things You Should Know

The marketplace for EHS consulting services has changed dramatically in recent years. Highlighted below are seven post-recession game changers that have re-shaped the playing field for the EHS market.

New Study: Fracking Water Stress

Jun 9th, 2013 | By
New Study: Fracking Water Stress

According to a new report released by Ceres, nearly half of more than 25,000 oil and gas wells evaluated in the United States are in water basins with high and extremely high water stress. Future growth of the unconventional resources sector in the U.S. depends on better water management planning and accelerated water recycling. “These
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Final Lessons Learned on International Assignments

Apr 28th, 2013 | By
Final Lessons Learned on International Assignments

On December 27, 2012 the EHS Journal published an article of mine entitled “Lessons Learned on International Assignments”. The feedback has been extremely positive, especially from young professionals who anticipate the eventual need to travel internationally during their careers. As a consequence I have racked my brain to come up with a few more experiences
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Safety Observation Programs: How to Drive Insight from Observations

Feb 27th, 2013 | By
Safety Observation Programs: How to Drive Insight from Observations

Yellow Cards. HazObs, HazIDs, STOPTM cards. These are names for programs that are meant to engage employees to improve safety performance. The ‘cards’ typically have written guidance for employees to use to target safety observations. The intent of these cards is to have employees focus on potential hazards in their workplace and identify those hazards.
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Operator Procedures: A Tale of Two Gas Plants

Dec 29th, 2012 | By
Operator Procedures: A Tale of Two Gas Plants

I have visited several gas plants across the United States. Gas plants are complex facilities. They operate at high pressure with flammable materials and dangerous products. Gas plants are regulated by Process Safety Management standards to address the inherent hazards of operations. When visiting gas plants, I make it a habit to stop in the
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