Improving the Quality of Phase I ESA Reports
Jun 7th, 2014 | By Stuart J. Spiegel
This article provides practical tips for improving Phase I environmental due diligence reports. Great advice for new and experienced practitioners.
This article provides practical tips for improving Phase I environmental due diligence reports. Great advice for new and experienced practitioners.
Mexico’s General Law for Prevention and Integral Management of Wastes (the Mexican Waste Law) has had profound legal and financial consequences for property owners, buyers and tennants. Anyone with a vested interest in property ownership or management in Mexico should read this article about the new property liability requirements and associated impact on environmental due diligence. Some of the most noteworthy differences between the new and old regulations include […]
It’s hard to imagine anyone buying a used car without first taking it for a test drive and having a certified mechanic check under the hood. After all, if you unknowingly purchase a clunker, you’re stuck with it. The same rule applies to corporate mergers and acquisitions, except kicking the tires has a more formal
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Limitations to using ASTM E1527-05 for Phase I ESAs in Hungary and the remainder of Central and Eastern Europe are discussed in this article.
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has begun review of ASTM Standard E 1527-05, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process, which describes the standard practice for performing a Phase I environmental site assessment (ESA) in the United States. ASTM is required to review and reauthorize the standard
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