Posts Tagged ‘ China ’

China’s New Carbon Emissions Trading System

Aug 18th, 2013 | By
China’s New Carbon Emissions Trading System

Carbon emissions trading will start in China at pilot sites in July 2013 for major emitters of greenhouse gases (GHGs), and organizations in other industries should prepare for a national emissions trading system that could start as early as 2015. As part of China’s efforts to meet their global commitment to reduce carbon intensity (per-unit
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China: Environmental Protection Through the Resources Tax Reform

Dec 16th, 2011 | By
China: Environmental Protection Through the Resources Tax Reform

On November 1, 2011, the amended China Provisional Regulation of Resources Tax (资源税暂行条例)[1] came into force. The amended regulation imposes a five to ten percent tax rate on the sale of crude oil and natural gas. The tax rate for rare earth ores and coking coal also increased, while the tax rate for regular coal,
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Natural Hazards Update - Australia, China, Chile…

Feb 23rd, 2011 | By

Maplecroft, a firm specializing in corporate risk intelligence, has compiled the following overview of natural disasters that have struck 6 countries in the past two weeks. Subscribers to the company’s web site can also download a Natural Disasters Index and maps showing economic losses associated with natural disasters. Overview Australia. 16 February 2011. Tropical Cyclone Carlos
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China Closes 2,000 Manufacturing Operations to Help Meet Energy Reduction Targets

Aug 25th, 2010 | By

China, the world’s largest energy user, ordered 2,000 industrial facilities producing steel, coal, cement, aluminum, glass and other materials to close their old and obsolete plants by the end of September. Facilities that fail to meet the regulatory deadline risk losing their pollution emission certifications, having their bank loans frozen, and having their power cut
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