Featured Articles

Keeping “Current” with Electric Vehicles

Sep 18th, 2010 | By

If you’ve read any of the automotive headlines in recent months, you’ve probably seen that battery-operated, all-electric vehicles may soon be on a car lot near you. The catch phrase of our credit-crazed world – “Charge it” – will soon take on a whole new meaning. It won’t be about buying tires or wipers at
[continue reading…]

Safety Culture and Safety Management Systems: Why Management Systems Alone Can’t Guarantee Model Employee Behavior

Jul 17th, 2010 | By
Safety Culture and Safety Management Systems: Why Management Systems Alone Can’t Guarantee Model Employee Behavior

Safety management systems stabilize safety performance and provide greater management clarity and structure, but to what extent do they affect safety culture and promote employee safety? This article explores the relationship between safety management systems and safety culture and introduces a new model showing the complex interplay of systems and culture.

Measuring Safety Performance: What are KPIs?

Jun 13th, 2010 | By
Measuring Safety Performance: What are KPIs?

Businesses use key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress toward specific health and safety goals or simply to monitor trends associated with corporate and facility activities or special projects. KPIs are used as a means to collect data and communicate trends, which can then be used to indicate where further improvements and resources are required. This article reviews the basics of establishing and managing KPIs.

A How-to Guide to Carbon Footprinting

May 26th, 2010 | By

This 4-part article provides an overview of how to calculate an organization’s carbon footprint.