Vehicle Safety: Cars and Motorcycles
Sep 3rd, 2015 | By EHS Journal
Take a break and watch these short public safety announcements regarding vehicles and motorcycles. These are great clips for safety talks.
Take a break and watch these short public safety announcements regarding vehicles and motorcycles. These are great clips for safety talks.
Take a break and watch this short video of a truck carrying welding gases, oxygen and acetylene, that crashes on the highway. Photograph: Gas Bottles by Esra Su, Frankfurt, Germany. Return to the EHS Journal Home Page
This taxi driver isn’t wearing his seat belt. Watch what happens when he falls asleep at the wheel and drives into a retaining wall!
The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommended in December that states enact bans on all nonemergency use of mobile phones and portable electronic devices by motorists while driving. The NTSB made its recommendation after investigating a multivehicle crash in Gray Summit, Missouri that involved a driver who was texting. The crash, which occurred
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Take a break and watch this 45-second video clip that demonstrates the importance of keeping your eyes on the road while driving. This video is perfect for defensive driver training courses.
The following winter driving tips were posted on the Weather Channel web site. Driving in Snow and Ice The best advice for driving in bad winter weather is not to drive at all, if you can avoid it. Don’t go out until the snow plows and sanding trucks have had a chance to do
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