Posts Tagged ‘ emissions trading scheme ’

China’s New Carbon Emissions Trading System

Aug 18th, 2013 | By
China’s New Carbon Emissions Trading System

Carbon emissions trading will start in China at pilot sites in July 2013 for major emitters of greenhouse gases (GHGs), and organizations in other industries should prepare for a national emissions trading system that could start as early as 2015. As part of China’s efforts to meet their global commitment to reduce carbon intensity (per-unit
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NOx Emissions Trading Scheme Repealed in the Netherlands — Global Impacts?

Jan 27th, 2013 | By
NOx Emissions Trading Scheme Repealed in the Netherlands — Global Impacts?

The once-trailblazing Dutch Nitrogen Oxides Emission Trading Scheme (NOx ETS) is to be repealed: what are the effects? In recent years, Emissions Trading Schemes have gained momentum around the world. Hundreds upon thousands of companies have had to adapt to be able to handle the effects of more stringent regulation. The Netherlands pioneered the launch
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Canada’s Election: The Impact on Canada’s Environmental Policy

May 15th, 2011 | By
Canada’s Election: The Impact on Canada’s Environmental Policy

The surprising thing about Canada’s May 2, 2011 federal election is not so much that the Canadian electorate returned a majority at last for Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s minority Conservative government but that it deserted the Liberal Party in droves to catapult the National Democratic Party (NDP) into second position, making the NDP Canada’s official opposition party for the first time in its history. Politically polarized to the right and to the left, the Conservatives and the NDP are also at odds in their approach to the environment […]