Environmental Management

Saudi Arabia Releases 9 New Environmental Laws

Jan 26th, 2013 | By
Saudi Arabia Releases 9 New Environmental Laws

This article summarizes 9 new environmental laws issued by Saudi Arabia in 2012 and provides links to the legislation in English.   Background Saudi Arabia has acted with urgency to develop a comprehensive framework for measuring and monitoring activities that cause environmental degradation. Its actions include measures to ensure efficient use of natural resources, prevention
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Conflict Minerals Final Rules: What Changed?

Jan 22nd, 2013 | By
Conflict Minerals Final Rules: What Changed?

This is the second in a multi-part series of EHS Journal articles providing background and guidance on the Dodd-Frank Conflict Minerals rule (DFCM). This article explains key provisions of the final rule and analyzes differences between the proposed and final rules.

Revised PM2.5 Standard Issued by USEPA

Jan 4th, 2013 | By
Revised PM2.5 Standard Issued by USEPA

In response to a court order, the U.S. EPA finalized on December 14, 2012 an update to its national air quality standards for harmful fine particle pollution (PM2.5), setting the annual health standard at 12 micrograms per cubic meter. This announcement has no effect on the existing daily standard for fine particles or the existing daily standard for coarse particles (PM10)…

Saudi Arabia: Ambient Water Quality Standards

Oct 7th, 2012 | By
Saudi Arabia: Ambient Water Quality Standards

Saudi Arabia’s Standards on Ambient Water Quality seek to establish a framework to enable sustainable management of ambient water quality; protect the water supply and natural aquatic environment; and provide a basis for the restoration of waters used for recreational, agricultural, industrial, potable, and ecological purposes within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. These Standards apply
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Environmental Risk Management: A Critical Driver of Sustainability

Jun 21st, 2012 | By
Environmental Risk Management: A Critical Driver of Sustainability

Environmental risks pose a multi-dimensional threat to business that if ignored could consume an enterprise. The reputational risk alone of that “one-in-a-million chance” or “enterprise ending event” can no longer be ignored—ask BP. But beyond the negative ramifications of environmental risks is the often overlooked opportunity for business success that can result from sustainable business
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The Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040

Jun 17th, 2012 | By
The Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040

ExxonMobil’s view of the world’s energy future through the year 2040 was recently published in The Outlook for Energy. According to The Outlook for Energy, the future of energy use and development will vary by region, reflecting diverse economic and demographic trends as well as the evolution of technology and government policies. ExxonMobil predicts that
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E-Waste: A Growing Problem

May 7th, 2012 | By
E-Waste: A Growing Problem

My cell phone is 5 years old. It has a tiny screen, an awkward keyboard, and no applications at all, but I stubbornly refuse to trade it in for a new one. It still functions, and for the work I do, it’s really all I need. Also, I know that if I exchange it, my
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Globally Harmonized System: U.S. Final Rule

Apr 28th, 2012 | By
Globally Harmonized System: U.S. Final Rule

  On March 26, 2012 the United States Federal Register published the final rule on the Hazard Communication Standard/Globally Harmonized System. This final rule will become effective 60 days after the date of publication. The changes will bring the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard, which was first adopted in 1983,
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U.S. EPA Releases 2010 Toxics Release Inventory Analysis

Jan 25th, 2012 | By
U.S. EPA Releases 2010 Toxics Release Inventory Analysis

The EPA released its annual national analysis of the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) for 2010 on January 5, 2012. The TRI program publishes information on toxic chemical disposals and other releases into the air, land, and water, as well as information on waste management and pollution prevention activities in neighborhoods across the country. Total releases including disposals for the latest reporting year, 2010, are higher than the previous two years but lower than 2007 and prior year totals . . .

The Australian Carbon Tax

Jan 23rd, 2012 | By
The Australian Carbon Tax

In its efforts to tackle the problem of climate change, the Australian government will introduce a carbon tax starting July 1, 2012. Australia’s goal is to reduce the country’s total emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to 5 percent below 1990 levels by 2020; to achieve this goal, the country is starting with a carbon tax,
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