Environmental Management

The RACI Model Explained by Star Wars

May 14th, 2017 | By
The RACI Model Explained by Star Wars

The RACI Model is a simple tool used to define responsibility for each task within a project. It’s an acronym with each letter representing a different role to perform. The roles are as follows: Responsible - The responsible employee physically does the work. Accountable - The accountable employee…

ISO 14001 Implementation Guide

May 2nd, 2017 | By
ISO 14001 Implementation Guide

In September 2015, ISO 14001, the international standard for environmental management systems (EMS), was revised. The new standard requires EMS to be more strategic and outward looking, delivering greater value to organizations that implement the standard. The International Aerospace Environmental Group (IAEG) and Ramboll Environ have developed a transition guidance document to help aerospace organizations
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Lifecyle of a Mine

Mar 25th, 2017 | By
Lifecyle of a Mine

Lifecycle of a Mine, a Web-accessible micro site released by gold mine operator Newmont Mining Corporation, provides an interactive summary of the strategies, activities, operations, and equipment used during the six stages of a mine’s life — exploration, development and design, construction, production, closure, and post-closure. The microsite is a great resource for people seeking
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India: New Classification for Consent Management

Jun 13th, 2016 | By
India: New Classification for Consent Management

India’s Central Pollution Control Board, the environmental regulator at the federal level, issued “Modified Directions” to the State Pollution Control Boards and Pollution Control Committees (the state-level regulators) on 07 March 2016, for what it terms the “harmonization” of the classification of industrial sectors for consent management across the States and UTs of India. The new classification is based on more robust scientific logic and is industry friendly. It is expected to reduce the administrative burden of compliance for the industries, and regulated businesses will need to be aware of these significant changes …

Post-merger Integration Challenges in the Agrichem Sector

Jun 12th, 2016 | By
Post-merger Integration Challenges in the Agrichem Sector

Consolidation in the agricultural chemicals sector presents challenges and opportunities for EHS and sustainability leaders. Companies that control the majority of the world’s seed and crop protection sales — BASF, Bayer, Dow, DuPont, Monsanto, and Syngenta — have already been swept up in the wave of restructuring. Once a deal is announced, EHS leaders need to engage proactively. The following are five key areas for action…

Evaluating Executives’ Commitment to EHS Audit Programs

May 21st, 2016 | By
Evaluating Executives’ Commitment to EHS Audit Programs

Corporate EHS audit programs require a substantial commitment on the part of executive management in order to be successful. Sadly, it is not always the case that senior corporate executives participate actively in EHS audit programs. This article examines the role of executive commitment in EHS audit programs and discusses ways to test whether this involvement is real or not.

Drones Fight Poachers in Africa

Apr 23rd, 2016 | By
Drones Fight Poachers in Africa

The Air Shepherd program in Africa is using drones and data analytics to protect rhinos and elephants. Using sophisticated three-aircraft operating teams that work with rangers on the ground, drones are flown over high probability poaching areas, allowing rangers to intercept suspects before a poaching incident occurs. Air Shepherd drone teams go through months of
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U.S. EHS Regulatory Trends in 2016

Jan 31st, 2016 | By
U.S. EHS Regulatory Trends in 2016

Over the past few years there has been much discussion about how companies go about establishing and achieving sustainability and social responsibility objectives. Unless one is careful these initiatives can result in overlooking the need to meet the fundamental objective of regulatory compliance. There is no country where this is more important than the United States where the environmental, health, and safety (EHS) regulatory burden is substantial and the consequences of non-compliance can be quite severe. In order to merit a “license to operate” in the U.S. it is important to understand clearly and completely the regulatory environment and its requirements…

Fee-Free Days at U.S. National Wildlife Refuges

Dec 15th, 2015 | By
Fee-Free Days at U.S. National Wildlife Refuges

America’s national wildlife refuges offer unparalleled opportunities to experience the great outdoors and see a rich diversity of wildlife in beautiful natural settings. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, refuges that normally charge entrance fees will offer free admission on these days in 2016: January 18 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day February
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EHS Budgets Expected to Rise in 2016

Nov 28th, 2015 | By
EHS Budgets Expected to Rise in 2016

Budgets for environment, health, and safety (EHS) are expected to increase in 2016 at 75% of the companies surveyed by independent research firm Verdantix. The new global survey of 312 EHS executives found that 10% of firms will increase 2016 EHS spending by double digits, while an additional 21% will increase spending by at least
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