Posts Tagged ‘ Robert Costello ’

Environmental Audits Versus Health and Safety Audits

Mar 6th, 2012 | By
Environmental Audits Versus Health and Safety Audits

The great majority of environmental, health, and safety (EH&S) professionals come from a background that is either primarily environmental in focus or primarily health and safety based. As the EH&S auditing profession has evolved, companies have integrated environmental topics with health and safety topics (and sometimes with others such as management systems or sustainability) on
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EHS Audits – Have We Lost Our Way? A Sequel

Aug 13th, 2011 | By
EHS Audits – Have We Lost Our Way? A Sequel

On July 11, 2010, an article titled “EHS Audits—Have We Lost Our Way?” was published in EHS Journal.[1] It has since elicited a number of quite thoughtful and extensive comments and much general discussion. The premise of the article was that perhaps environmental, health, and safety (EHS) audit programs have evolved, particularly in the United
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