Posts Tagged ‘ product sustainability ’

Managing Product Risks and Opportunities

May 13th, 2011 | By
Managing Product Risks and Opportunities

Getting products “right” is an increasingly important and difficult challenge for many companies—and for those companies’ EHS and sustainability leaders. The business drivers are compelling. For most companies, it’s all about growth now. Few companies can satisfy shareholders and analysts just by cutting costs. To satisfy markets, companies have to grow quickly. And for the vast majority of companies that means focusing on products […]

Strategies for Marketing Product Sustainability

Oct 5th, 2010 | By
Strategies for Marketing Product Sustainability

With the increased focus on sustainability in the marketplace, consumers have the choice between sustainable and traditional alternatives in a growing number of product categories. Despite this growth in the number of alternatives available, not all consumers are buying sustainable products. In fact, the success of sustainable products differs by product category: for example, sustainable
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