Posts Tagged ‘ Mexico ’

Latin America: Requirements for Energy Efficient Products

Oct 31st, 2012 | By
Latin America: Requirements for Energy Efficient Products

Companies manufacturing and selling appliances, equipment and lighting in Latin America face a growing demand from governments and consumers: reduce energy consumption. In a region of about 20 countries, where Spanish is the dominant language and regulatory systems are based on similar legal models, this demand wouldn’t seem to be a significant regulatory problem for
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Mexico: Environmental Due Diligence and the Mexican Waste Law

Nov 13th, 2010 | By
Mexico: Environmental Due Diligence and the Mexican Waste Law

Mexico’s General Law for Prevention and Integral Management of Wastes (the Mexican Waste Law) has had profound legal and financial consequences for property owners, buyers and tennants. Anyone with a vested interest in property ownership or management in Mexico should read this article about the new property liability requirements and associated impact on environmental due diligence. Some of the most noteworthy differences between the new and old regulations include […]