Posts Tagged ‘ ISO ’

ISO 45001:2016 - New Occupational Health and Safety Management Standard

Dec 11th, 2013 | By
ISO 45001:2016 – New Occupational Health and Safety Management Standard

ISO recently announced that ISO Committee ISO/PC 283 - Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems, has been formed with an objective to develop and publish an international standard for Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) based on OHSAS 18001. The new standard will be known as ISO 45001. At the first meeting of the committee ISO/PC
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New ISO Standards for Management System Audits and Emergency Response

Jan 2nd, 2012 | By
New ISO Standards for Management System Audits and Emergency Response

In December 2011, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published two standards, an updated edition of ISO 19011, Guidelines for auditing management systems, and a new standard covering emergency management, ISO 22320, Societal security—Emergency management—Requirements for incident response. ISO 19011:2011 ISO believes that the revision of ISO 19011 will save money, time, and resources
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