Posts Tagged ‘ iPad ’

Audit and Verify on the iPad or iPhone

Jun 4th, 2011 | By
Audit and Verify on the iPad or iPhone

Tablet computers and smartphones are not appropriate work tools for every professional or for every task; it really depends on what you do for a living. For auditors on the go, however, new generations of tablet devices, especially Apple’s iPad and iPhone, are proving to be essential working tools. Savvy auditors find plenty of ways
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Using the iPad for EHS Auditing

Sep 26th, 2010 | By
Using the iPad for EHS Auditing

Over the past thirty years, impressive advances have been made in information technology. Today, the tablet computer—most notably the iPad—provides EHS auditors with a powerful tool to improve the EHS audit process. This article reviews Elm Consulting Group’s use of the iPad for EHS auditing. Elm’s experience has shown that the iPad can improve audit accuracy while increasing overall audit efficiency by 15 to 20 percent.