Posts Tagged ‘ fans ’

Heat Stress and Cooling Fans

Jun 30th, 2013 | By
Heat Stress and Cooling Fans

People, like machinery, tend to break down in extreme conditions. As temperatures rise, productivity falls, safety becomes questionable and comfort is no longer. Heat stress is defined as a group of conditions that result from being overly exposed to heat or overexertion in excessive ambient temperatures, a common occurrence in industrial spaces during the summer
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Eliminating Condensation with Large-diameter Fans

Sep 19th, 2012 | By
Eliminating Condensation with Large-diameter Fans

Facility managers who are struggling with condensation and other moisture issues that cause slippery floors and unsafe work conditions should take their eyes off of the floor and instead look up. Large-diameter, low speed overhead fans can help to clear condensation and the puddles that condensation leaves behind. Here’s an example of how employee safety
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