Posts Tagged ‘ Environment Canada ’

Environment Canada Reverses Siloxane D5 Decision

Nov 1st, 2011 | By
Environment Canada Reverses Siloxane D5 Decision

On October 24, 2011, Environment Canada (EC) released the first independent review of a decision to declare a chemical substance toxic and add it to the List of Toxic Substances maintained pursuant to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA). Once added to that list, the government is required to develop risk management tools for the
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Canada: New Regulations for the Coal-Fired Electricity Sector

Sep 18th, 2011 | By
Canada: New Regulations for the Coal-Fired Electricity Sector

From Environment Canada. Canada’s Environment Minister Peter Kent announced in August that the Canadian government is moving forward with regulations for the coal-fired electricity sector. “Our strategy to lower our emissions is based on making improvements sector by sector to sustain our economy and protect our environment,” said Minister Kent. “We are taking action in the
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