Posts Tagged ‘ energy ’

Energy Trends That Will Continue in the Foreseeable Future

Dec 13th, 2015 | By
Energy Trends That Will Continue in the Foreseeable Future

2015 will pass by soon. While we live our day-to-day lives and careers, it’s easy to miss trends that establish themselves in a small number of years or even in a single year. Yet this is happening with energy. Some new “realities” that are likely unstoppable, even by those who prefer the status quo or
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The Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040

Jun 17th, 2012 | By

ExxonMobil’s view of the world’s energy future through the year 2040 was recently published in The Outlook for Energy. According to The Outlook for Energy, the future of energy use and development will vary by region, reflecting diverse economic and demographic trends as well as the evolution of technology and government policies. ExxonMobil predicts that
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Green IT: Sustainability and Cost Savings

Jun 17th, 2011 | By

In November of 2006, Gartner Group, a leading information technology (IT) research firm, released a study that shocked the industry. Gartner predicted that by 2008, half of the world’s data centers would have insufficient power and cooling capacity to meet demand.1 Data center energy consumption, which accounts for approximately 1.5 percent of electricity consumption in
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