Posts Tagged ‘ Democratic Republic of the Congo ’

Conflict Minerals: Tips for Environmental Leaders

Nov 12th, 2013 | By
Conflict Minerals: Tips for Environmental Leaders

  This is the last in a series of EHS Journal articles designed to provide meaningful background and guidance on Dodd-Frank Conflict Minerals (DFCM). Other articles in the series include: Preface: 5 Myths About Dodd-Frank Conflict Minerals Part 1: U.S. Conflict Minerals: Background and Proposed Rule Part 2: Conflict Minerals Final Rules: What Changed? Part
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Africa: Strengthening the EHS Regulatory Framework

Jun 14th, 2011 | By
Africa: Strengthening the EHS Regulatory Framework

This article is the first in a two-part series analyzing environmental, health, and safety (EHS) laws and regulations in Africa. This installment identifies potential causes of recent improvements in the EHS regulatory frameworks in African countries. The second article analyzes recent EHS trends in Africa and predicts future developments. Recent Changes in EHS Regulations
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