Posts Tagged ‘ business and sustainability ’

Sustainability by the Numbers, Trends and Analysis

Aug 28th, 2014 | By
Sustainability by the Numbers, Trends and Analysis

  There was a time when corporations treated sustainability as nothing more than the topic du jour of environmental activists, or an issue they recognized only because the law required it. But today’s corporate sustainability practices have undergone a remarkable shift. Now, sustainability is being integrated into the bottom-line of businesses. Leading global companies have
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The Business Case for Sustainability: An Inconvenient Reality?

Sep 25th, 2011 | By
The Business Case for Sustainability: An Inconvenient Reality?

For years, those of us in the environmental and sustainability (E&S) profession have sought credible metrics to quantify the economic value of our efforts. Studies dating back to the late 1980s attempted to demonstrate “E&S value.” Most of these studies either showed rather tenuous links between E&S initiatives and valuation or used pseudofinancial metrics not
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Climate Change Impact on Investment Portfolios

Feb 27th, 2011 | By
Climate Change Impact on Investment Portfolios

According to a new report, Climate Change Scenarios – Implications for Strategic Asset Allocation, uncertainty about global climate change policies and their associated adjustment costs could cost investors trillions of dollars over the next 20 years and be responsible for as much as 10 percent of investment portfolio risk. The report analyzes the impact of
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