Posts Tagged ‘ aviation ’

U.S. Airlines Required to Develop Safety Management Systems under New Rule

Jan 10th, 2015 | By
U.S. Airlines Required to Develop Safety Management Systems under New Rule

Most U.S. commercial airlines will be required to have formal Safety Management Systems (SMS) in place by 2018 according to a new final rule issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The final rule, which was published in the Federal Register on January 7, 2015, requires each air carrier operating under
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Climate Change Impacts of the Aviation Industry

Oct 3rd, 2010 | By
Climate Change Impacts of the Aviation Industry

The aviation industry has long proclaimed that it has a relatively insignificant impact on global climate change, accounting for less than 3 percent of CO2 emissions. The industry also asserts that because of the high cost of fuel, there is tremendous incentive to reduce fuel usage through more efficient engine technology. In fact, some analysts argue that the industry’s engines have become up to 70 percent more fuel efficient since the 1960s. This article examines the validity of the aviation industry’s climate change claims. […]