Posts Tagged ‘ Argentina ’

Argentina: Proposed Law for Environmental Impact Assessments

Oct 10th, 2013 | By
Argentina: Proposed Law for Environmental Impact Assessments

Minimum standards governing the regulation and conduct of environmental impact assessments (EIAs) would be established by a proposed new law recently submitted to Argentina’s National House of Representatives. The draft law seeks to harmonize provincial and industry-specific legislation by setting the minimum environmental protection standards that every regulation, province, or industry must follow in order
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Latin America: Requirements for Energy Efficient Products

Oct 31st, 2012 | By
Latin America: Requirements for Energy Efficient Products

Companies manufacturing and selling appliances, equipment and lighting in Latin America face a growing demand from governments and consumers: reduce energy consumption. In a region of about 20 countries, where Spanish is the dominant language and regulatory systems are based on similar legal models, this demand wouldn’t seem to be a significant regulatory problem for
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