All entries by this author

Groundwater Remediation: Optimize Pump and Treat Systems with HRSC

Oct 27th, 2010 | By
Groundwater Remediation: Optimize Pump and Treat Systems with HRSC

Groundwater pump and treat systems often provide a false sense of security to both responsible parties and their consultants. These systems have historically been installed to mitigate potential future risks associated with off-site contaminant migration and are considered by many to be an effective groundwater containment system. Environmental Resources Management (ERM) conducted high resolution site
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High Resolution Site Characterization: A Sustainable Risk Management Approach

Jan 9th, 2010 | By
High Resolution Site Characterization: A Sustainable Risk Management Approach

High resolution site characterization is an alternative approach to site investigation that significantly reduces uncertainty and enables development of more accurate and cost effective solutions than traditional approaches.