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Ecotourism: 7 Tips for Environmentally Friendly Travel

May 8th, 2011 | By

If you have led your family to live a greener lifestyle over the past year, it’s only fitting that you give your vacation a green makeover as well. By adjusting your schedule, making a few important choices and thinking with an environmentally friendly perspective, you can have a vacation that leaves less of an impression on Mother Earth. Here are seven quick tips for a more environmentally friendly vacation [. . .]

Eco-tourism Destinations and Basics: Support Sustainability and Local Economies with Your Travel Dollars

Apr 20th, 2011 | By

Today, it’s easier than ever to find alternatives to traditional tourism practices. By going on an eco-tour, you’re helping to preserve the area that you are visiting and minimizing your environmental impact as a tourist. Eco-tourism is different from traditional tourism in a lot of ways. It’s also significantly different from nature tourism. With nature tourism, you are [...]