Archive for June 2016

Driving a Risk-Based Approach to EHS Auditing

Jun 28th, 2016 | By
Driving a Risk-Based Approach to EHS Auditing

In recent years there has been considerable discussion in the EHS audit profession about how to apply the concept of risk to an audit program. The theory is that risk-based programs will likely result in a more efficient and effective application of resources and a more targeted focus on truly important issues. This article provides a tool and approach that could be used by audit program managers to not only classify facilities, but also…

India: New Classification for Consent Management

Jun 13th, 2016 | By
India: New Classification for Consent Management

India’s Central Pollution Control Board, the environmental regulator at the federal level, issued “Modified Directions” to the State Pollution Control Boards and Pollution Control Committees (the state-level regulators) on 07 March 2016, for what it terms the “harmonization” of the classification of industrial sectors for consent management across the States and UTs of India. The new classification is based on more robust scientific logic and is industry friendly. It is expected to reduce the administrative burden of compliance for the industries, and regulated businesses will need to be aware of these significant changes …

Post-merger Integration Challenges in the Agrichem Sector

Jun 12th, 2016 | By
Post-merger Integration Challenges in the Agrichem Sector

Consolidation in the agricultural chemicals sector presents challenges and opportunities for EHS and sustainability leaders. Companies that control the majority of the world’s seed and crop protection sales — BASF, Bayer, Dow, DuPont, Monsanto, and Syngenta — have already been swept up in the wave of restructuring. Once a deal is announced, EHS leaders need to engage proactively. The following are five key areas for action…

June 2016

Jun 7th, 2016 | By
June 2016

Welcome to the EHS Journal. This international online magazine was designed for and by environmental, health, and safety professionals for the purpose of sharing knowledge and facilitating discussion within our profession. Since our launch in January 2010, we have published articles and images from more than 200 contributors in 30 countries, generating more than 1 million page views.