Archive for April 2013

Final Lessons Learned on International Assignments

Apr 28th, 2013 | By
Final Lessons Learned on International Assignments

On December 27, 2012 the EHS Journal published an article of mine entitled “Lessons Learned on International Assignments”. The feedback has been extremely positive, especially from young professionals who anticipate the eventual need to travel internationally during their careers. As a consequence I have racked my brain to come up with a few more experiences
[continue reading…]

April 2013

Apr 1st, 2013 | By
April 2013

Welcome to the EHS Journal. This international online magazine was designed for and by environmental, health and safety professionals for the purpose of sharing knowledge and facilitating discussion within our profession. Since our launch in January 2010, we have published articles and images from more than 100 contributors in 30 countries.

We are actively seeking new articles! See the Submission Guidelines for more information and submit your articles and comments to the EHS Journal today.