Archive for March 2012

Repeat Versus Recurring Findings in EHS Audits

Mar 31st, 2012 | By
Repeat Versus Recurring Findings in EHS Audits

Many organizations have been conducting environmental, health, and safety (EHS) audits for decades now, and as auditors revisit sites on a 2- or 3-year cycle, one of the most frustrating aspects of the audit outcomes is that many of the same or similar findings of noncompliance seem to arise time and time again. This situation
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A Business Transformation Approach to Sustainability: The Role of Art and Science

Mar 22nd, 2012 | By
A Business Transformation Approach to Sustainability: The Role of Art and Science

According to the Third Annual Sustainability Global Executive Survey, more organizations than ever before are putting sustainability on their business agendas, and businesses recognize the need to do so in order to remain competitive. Many companies that successfully incorporate sustainability principles into their business report increased profits as an outcome. However, the survey also revealed that most companies are struggling to define sustainability in a way that is relevant to their business…

Hard Hat Safety Video - Watermelon and Falling Brick

Mar 20th, 2012 | By
Hard Hat Safety Video – Watermelon and Falling Brick

Take a break and watch this short video on hard hat safety.

Does Operational Discipline Replace Strong Safety Leadership?

Mar 19th, 2012 | By
Does Operational Discipline Replace Strong Safety Leadership?

On a recent flight from Newark to Chicago, I sat next to an American Airlines pilot, with whom I struck up a conversation. In the midst of our discussion, the flight attendant began the usual speech on safety instructions, seat belts, and evacuation. The pilot stopped talking and said, “I need to listen to these
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California Cap and Trade: A Model for the Rest of the U.S.?

Mar 18th, 2012 | By
California Cap and Trade: A Model for the Rest of the U.S.?

It’s rare in these politically turbulent times for a government entity to make a unanimous decision, but that’s what happened as California’s Air Resources Board (ARB) adopted the most stringent cap-and-trade mandate in the United States in October 2011. This cap-and-trade program is one of the measures being carried out under California’s Global Warming Solutions
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Ontario: Storm Clouds Brew for Wind and Solar

Mar 11th, 2012 | By
Ontario: Storm Clouds Brew for Wind and Solar

Ontario’s ambitious renewable energy program is under attack from all sides. In December 2011, the Auditor General criticized the province’s Feed-in Tariff (FIT) rates for renewable energy as being too costly (see the Manning Environmental Law blog post December 5, 2011) . In February of this year, the report of the Commission on the Reform
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Environmental Audits Versus Health and Safety Audits

Mar 6th, 2012 | By
Environmental Audits Versus Health and Safety Audits

The great majority of environmental, health, and safety (EH&S) professionals come from a background that is either primarily environmental in focus or primarily health and safety based. As the EH&S auditing profession has evolved, companies have integrated environmental topics with health and safety topics (and sometimes with others such as management systems or sustainability) on
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