Archive for October 3rd, 2010

Climate Change Impacts of the Aviation Industry

Oct 3rd, 2010 | By Steven Taber | Category: Climate Change

The aviation industry has long proclaimed that it has a relatively insignificant impact on global climate change, accounting for less than 3 percent of CO2 emissions. The industry also asserts that because of the high cost of fuel, there is tremendous incentive to reduce fuel usage through more efficient engine technology. In fact, some analysts argue that the industry’s engines have become up to 70 percent more fuel efficient since the 1960s. This article examines the validity of the aviation industry’s climate change claims.

Airports and the Environment

Oct 3rd, 2010 | By Steven Taber | Category: Other

A new report on aviation and the environment from the U.S. Government Accounting Office finds that airports have made progress in addressing environmental impacts in four key areas: reducing noise levels, controlling water pollution, reducing air emissions and using environmentally sustainable practices.

October 2010

Oct 3rd, 2010 | By Michael Bittner | Category: Welcome

Welcome to the EHS Journal. This international e-zine was designed for and by environmental, health and safety professionals for the purpose of sharing knowledge and facilitating discussion within our profession. Since our launch in January 2010, we have published articles and images from more than 70 contributors in 30 countries. We are actively seeking new articles! See the Submission Guidelines for more information.