Archive for July 17th, 2010

Safety Culture and Safety Management Systems: Why Management Systems Alone Can’t Guarantee Model Employee Behavior

Jul 17th, 2010 | By Peter Fink and Edna Besnainou | Category: Featured Articles

Safety management systems stabilize safety performance and provide greater management clarity and structure, but to what extent do they affect safety culture and promote employee safety? This article explores the relationship between safety management systems and safety culture and introduces a new model showing the complex interplay of systems and culture.

Behavior-based Safety — A Sustainability Advantage

Jul 17th, 2010 | By Joe Baker | Category: Sustainability

Are you feeling a little unsettled about how to demonstrate sustainability in your day-to-day health and safety practice? This article explores how a company can protect one of its most important sustainable resources, its employees, through implementation of a behavior-based safety program.